Logistic Infotech Pvt Ltd has arranged game event for refreshment from busy work schedule to make employee fresh and energetic. All were excited to know about the game and play the game with their best efforts.
Logisticians have played blindfold drawing game “what is it” on this Saturday to make some refreshment during the hectic work schedules to boost up work energy.
I must say, Logisticians are crazy artists to show up themselves in front of others. Let’s take a look on a game called “Awww What IS It???” 😉
All of us were given one paper to show the hidden creativity by blind drawing. Each paper had one topic mentioned on it. We have given 5 minutes to see or how we can improve our scenario about the topic by taking Google help. Then all of us asked to blindfold our eyes by a handkerchief. I think 5 minutes was enough to show our artistic ability. Everyone has finished their drawing within 5 minutes. After completing the game, HR was demonstrating each of the paper. We loved to see everyone’s imaginations by their blindfold drawing. All were cracking some funny jokes on each drawing and whole developing area’s atmosphere has been alive by our laughter noise. 😀 Have a look on the snaps of blindfold drawing game. 🙂

Logisticians’ great creativity samples are here, you can enjoy blindly drawn funny cartoons 😀

There are some of the drawings which were too good as per the blind drawing game rules and funny as well. So management of Logistic Infotech Pvt Ltd decided to announce three winners and encouraged them by giving dairy milk chocolates. Winners are as:
1st winner: Mr. Ravi Jethva
2nd Winner: Mr. Pritesh Nadiyapara
3rd Winner: Mr. Ranjnish & Miss Vyoma (Tie For 3rd winner)

So, at last I must say that we enjoyed a lot by playing this blindfold drawing game which played power booster’s role in our hectic work pressure in March.