As you very well know that a sitemap is essential as it lists all the web pages of the website. Sitemap let search engines know about it by submitting straightforwardly to them. Also it is important for pinging them, or placing the sitemap location to your robots.txt. By doing this search engines crawl the site more sharply. A sitemap also provides relevant metadata for every web page.
So, having well-structured, clean, and optimized sitemap files are highly crucial for web portals that are bulky, have videos, images, and other media-based content. The issues with sitemaps also include malformed XML markup and Dirty sitemap. Seeing these issues and considering the significance of a clean sitemap, we have developed a tool. In this tool you can directly add your URL which contains sitemap file. And it will scan it and deliver you a direct list of 404 or not found URLs. This way you can find broken URLs from a sitemap XML file and keep it clean as well as error free.