KRID is on demand taxi booking application. You don’t need to wait for bus or taxi. Just send request and find the cab on your location. You can track your car and driver and get accurate location.
You will get estimated cost for the trip from your pickup location to drop location. To make a request is very easy. You can just grab the car in just few steps.
Steps to request car :-
- Just open the app it will show your current location, just add drop location or select from map.
- The app uses your location so your cab driver knows where to pick you up.
- You’ll see your driver’s details like car registration number, driver’s name, profile picture etc.
- Payment can be made by credit card or debit card. You will receive invoice to your registered email id.
- After the ride, you can rate your driver and provide feedback to help us improve the customer experience.
Key Features
- On demand taxi booking app.
- GPS Enabled app to get location and navigation.
- Enhanced API to get nearby drivers.
- Calculate fare details.
- Track vehicle with real time location.

- Share your trip route to friends and family.
- Make payment with credit card or debit card.
- Rate your driver or customer.